Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Year Wishes

Wishing everyone a great and fruitful New Year, filled with loads of happiness & success! Here's an old and dumb animation, from my starting days...if anyone cares :O)


Mauricio said...

Jafar my friend!

great 2008, full of hapinness an peace!

Many work too :o)

My best,

Grigory Lozinsky said...

Your words are gold for me!
Wishing you a happiness every time!

aroop said...

have an amazing new year..all the very best..cheers

Artists With Artitude said...

Hi Jafar. I came to check your blog via Mauricio. I will be visiting often :). Bravo!

jesukiran said...

lovely animation jafar.

Grigory Lozinsky said...

Dear Jafar! Thank you for your vizit on my blog.
I like small beautiful goat-footballer that now resting!